2.3 Season 16 Week 7 Race
Absolutely full of bugs, a ruined race.
Cars doing uncalled for double stops. Some unrelated to the weather, others related to the weather (JP Suave early pit example)
Cars changing for wets then coming in the next lap and the game allocating the old hard tyres they can in to swap the lap before (TNF1 and others example).
Tyre condition (putting those old used on) actually shows as being 'excellent' condition the first lap out, even though they are old and when last worn had bad/awful condition. Not quite right there.
Other cars bypassing the double pit issue stayed out on hards assuming because they didn't pre-order wets in their strategy.
Generally, the wet races are still mayhem and the script doesn't handle things correctly in some old and some new bugs. There may be wet races ahead, and if this were a title decider you'd be livid if the results caused you not to promote / or to relegate. As it's mid season it isn't so bad, but going into the last race and if this were at stake you'd expect re-runs or race results halved / scrubbed for that event.
December 17, 2018 01:20 pm