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Team merchandise

As was discussed in the chat last week, I pushed development for the fans section forward since there were concerns that it was no longer working as intended. I looked into it, but the truth is that before it wasn't working as intended, and people were getting too much money from it. Because of a fix in something slightly related the bug got fixed.
Managers had obviously already gotten used to and planned in the extra surplus in fans income. So it wouldn't have been fair to say that they're out of luck. Because of those reasons, I pushed the changes that were long overdue for the Fans section.

When Pitwall 2 was created, it was originally planned to introduce what was introduced today. But since other stuff had a higher priority, it was pushed back and honestly not looked at again. Everything on the fans page was quite unclear, and it shows the original direction that I had taken with Pitwall 2; everything is hidden, and you'll have to notice the changes - bad game design idea. It has been my intention and I have been making everything much more transparant in Pitwall, and thus this update also reflects that change of direction in the game.

The old fans page allowed the manager to set a price and an image level. The image level is still there, and it now displays the modifiers which it influences. The team discipline has been slightly tweaked. The fans increase has been tweaked quite a lot.
Before fans would join the team based on the results and this parameter. The parameter was much more extreme before since it was the only parameter. How it works now is can be seen from the "Fanbase" section underneath "Fans modifiers". All the parameters are listed there, which start with the base value which is 100%. After the addition or subtraction of the parameters which play an influence we get to the total. This total is applied to the number of fans who want to join based on the results that you scored. So if there are 100 new fans who want to join after a result, and your fans modifier is set to 85% then you will only have 85 fans who join.

Before fans would pay each time they join and that would be it. This has been changed by introducing the merchandise sales. The idea is that your fans will pay for team merchandise on average once every 2 seasons. This depends on two modifiers: supplier and pricing. The supplier can be changed once per season, and plays an influence on the weekly sales and fans increase. The pricing is similar to what we had before, but now the manager can't set his own price any longer. He has to choose ranging from "Very cheap" to "Very expensive", which also play an influence on weekly sales and fans increase, but they also show the average price per product.
As I wrote above, before the fan would pay each time he joined. This has been removed and the fans will pay once every 2 seasons on average. The amount that they pay depends on the "Average product price" for the pricing category that was set, and on the sales modifier. The payout is paid during the weekupdate, and is also shown in the "Merchandise sales" section. A team is allowed to change its pricing for merchandise twice per season. After that they will need to wait until the next season, just like when they hit the limit for suppliers or image level.

Apart from the fans changes, there have been minor layout tweaks such as on buttons, feedback messages, and panels.

August 31, 2020 11:11 am