Those are ok ideas, but take for example myself, a few seasons ago i was fighting for podiums and wins at the end of a season, and then the next chassis i had (based on a really great chassis of excellent/excellent) was utter garbage, lost 2 ranks on each, and I struggled to stay in Div 1.
Now my staff would all have fallen under Rank A or B, which would mean I'd lose EVERYONE, all because of 1 bad chassis that i had no control over because it was luck and I had none. I'm still in recovery mode from that chassis and season.
A system like you just stated sounds nice on paper, but when you look into it, you're condemning teams that promote from one division to the next to likely lose their staff unless their car is super because they'll go from winning everything to struggling for points.
Div 1 for example, look at our qualifying now, and you'll see most of the grid from 3 to 18 or so will be covered by 2s. If you brought in a ranking system with goals like that, most of those teams would be ruined the next season, as breaking the dominance of the top 4 teams is like punching your way through a concrete block