Forum topic: Sponsors

United Kingdom Jamie Billings


32 races

2 championships

5 wins

8 podiums

Current team

Im trying to sign up sponsorship for my car.. proving to be slightly difficult... Any tips would be recommend?

Weekly fee : Does this mean the fee they pay me per week? If they say 2,000,000 for example, would you go in less? Say £1,000,000?

How much does having commericals help? And Maximum missed races, would this be high or low?

Thank you
November 22, 2016 02:42 pm

Austria Lukas Fenninger Pitwall Administrator

771 races

31 championships

118 wins

360 podiums

Current team

Austria Fenninger Racing
Division 1

If they say 2.000.000, go for the same or higher. I usually start high and go lower, if they say the gap between what they want to pay and my demand is too high.

The more commercials, the faster you build up interest and the faster you can sign the sponsor.

Max missed races doesnt work right now (I think), give them what they want. If it works, you want more missed races, because if you miss too many, sponsors could get out of the deal.
November 22, 2016 03:07 pm

United Kingdom Jamie Billings


32 races

2 championships

5 wins

8 podiums

Current team

How long does it normally take to tie up a deal?

I have 30 commercials working on a deal?
November 22, 2016 04:58 pm

United Kingdom Adam Eggbeer

1098 races

45 championships

231 wins

548 podiums

Current team

United Kingdom Team Destroyers
Division 2.1

Depends upon what section it is. Some take a day or 2, some take up to a week. Once you get progress on the sponsor, it will tell you how long it will take.
November 22, 2016 07:02 pm

Austria Lukas Fenninger Pitwall Administrator

771 races

31 championships

118 wins

360 podiums

Current team

Austria Fenninger Racing
Division 1

A section 5 sponsor usually takes me around 3 (to 4) weeks. From putting commercials in to finish the deal.

S4 about a week (maybe 2).

S3,2 and 1 are very fast.
November 22, 2016 07:45 pm

Japan Robert Bouchard

Shinshiro, Aichi, Japan

419 races

5 championships

16 wins

94 podiums

Current team

Japan Yamakawa F1 Team

It is also really determined by the interest level as well since you will see no or little progress if you have 1-2 level of interest from the sponsor.

Usually try to get interest between 3-4 before starting negoications but higher the better!!
November 23, 2016 01:37 am

Austria Lukas Fenninger Pitwall Administrator

771 races

31 championships

118 wins

360 podiums

Current team

Austria Fenninger Racing
Division 1

Yeah, but you can also just negotiate the deal starting without any interest at all. Interest will go up.

I dont know if there is a difference between how fast the interest goes up using the two methods.
November 23, 2016 08:37 am

United Kingdom Jamie Billings


32 races

2 championships

5 wins

8 podiums

Current team

So for a new comer

its worth sorting the S1 and S2s out to get money coming in first?
November 23, 2016 03:30 pm

United Kingdom Adam Eggbeer

1098 races

45 championships

231 wins

548 podiums

Current team

United Kingdom Team Destroyers
Division 2.1

Personally I would say yes. Get some money in to pay for the staff you have got and slowly work up. Else you could have no income for a while and that is worse.
November 23, 2016 07:45 pm

United Kingdom Daniel Stevens

Search YouTube for MCDXCOM

408 races

7 championships

29 wins

94 podiums

Current team

I would say start at section 3 - put 10 commercials on gaining interest and 10 on negotiating the deal - ask for what they say they want to pay you - as speed is key here once you have sponsors you can look to improve terms in the future. Offer less than they want to speed things up if necessary. - Once all this is done it should say on the right hand side what they think of the deal - if they say anything like 'the differance between the offer and amount is to high' then they wont sign so lower asking amount. Also if term is too long or some other message they wont sign either so make changes. - The only message that doesn't matter is if they are unimpressed with the skills of your commercial manager. - don't worry about this one they will still sign in time. hope this helps
November 24, 2016 09:24 am



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