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Sponsors multi-team

As announced in the news post of yesterday, the sponsors are now able to sign multiple teams (or still only 1, depending on the sponsor).

I activated this already now so that people can anticipate for the next season, because it wouldn't be fair that all of a sudden good sponsors are opened up to teams who hadn't signed up a sponsor yet.

My best advice is to keep your sponsor deals, but to cancel them just before reaching 100% so that you don't lose out on your current sponsor and be possibly beaten by another team. Also worth to note, you really have to cancel the old sponsor. A check has been added to prevent that teams sign up sponsors for the same section.

Another small change, but that should be liked by many, is that when a team signs up a sponsor the running negotiations will be changed so that the losing teams can still at least get the sponsor for a season (or something else that is possible). The system will automatically try to reduce the season in order to prevent to back out of the deal. If for example you are negotiating a season 2 to season 3 deal, and a team signs the same sponsor from season 3 to 4 then in the old system everything was canceled out. This change will prevent that. The system will in this example reduce the length from season 3 to a season 2 only deal (if the max teams has been reached for season 3, otherwise nothing changes).

July 13, 2015 11:55 pm