Forum topic: New Sponsor Logos

New Zealand Daan M

914 races

25 championships

98 wins

252 podiums

Current team

United Kingdom TNF1
Division 2.1

They're all saved as interlaced pngs (I forget if it's none or interlaced to save transparency, been a while since I last painted a car), I just added images to imagebb for here. They can of course be saved as whatever file you like with transparent backgrounds.

How can I add to Philips dropbox? We have it at work, very confusing, do we need to login on our normal dropbox accounts then apply to share the pitwall folder in order to add items?
May 22, 2018 11:10 pm

Belgium Frank Van Laere Pitwall Administrator


282 races

1 championships

9 wins

34 podiums

Current team

Belgium Skylark Racing
Division 2.2

Haha, I'm loving the Gina TV one Dan. Good job on all of them!
I will need to go through the names (feel free to do so as well) to make sure that there are no offensive or silly names in there. With the sponsors issue I will also see whether I can just increase the number of teams that are sponsorable to prevent that we end up with thousands and thousands of sponsors that will all require a logo.
May 23, 2018 12:09 pm

United Kingdom Adam Eggbeer

1059 races

44 championships

219 wins

525 podiums

Current team

United Kingdom Team Destroyers
Division 2.1

There are a few on there that can/should be removed. Just looking through a few at the top we have a few duplicates, Blahblahblah, ChinkyClarkson, Carlsberg (Real Life company name), some written with symbol language. With the system the way it is now, I think it would be beneficial to have less sponsors but more slots per sponsor.
May 23, 2018 08:59 pm

Austria Mihajlo Markov

411 races

10 championships

47 wins

125 podiums

Current team

Austria Aventus Racing Team

Can you see and download the logos?

Jmaican Bacon
Rasta Sunday
AL Musali Farms
Blue Movies
May 24, 2018 04:59 pm



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