My thought process on the Good rating being the max is as follows:
Since Frank has implemented aggressive, Normal & Conservative development we have come to understand that they have default increase or decrease when developing parts; Correct?
Conservative is +1 or -1 so if the research level is good then a part can reach very good or drop to Okay
Normal is +2 or -2 so if the research level is good then a part can reach Excellent or drop to Unsure
Aggressive is +3 or -3 so if the research level is good then a part can reach Superb or drop to Bad
This was done (I think) to remove any chance that a part might come out better then it should aka a Superb research level could see if done with an aggressive develop a +3 increase giving a Superb +3. Meaning a part could in theory be way over actually value so easiest way to remove that from happening is research level stays max 3 level below max development potential.
Here is the kicker before everyone heads off and starts aggressive designs; This is still based on your head designers max level so if you have a very good designer then the max your part should reach is very good.
So unless you have an Superb designer you will never reach Superb parts.
@James Ford: My understanding from scouting my head designer from a season 1 & 2 showed that he was Good reproductive (continuing a developing a part) and Very Good Inventive (making new parts) so I was under the understanding that his max potential for parts would be very good.
I have since you asked the question above found out that my head designer is now stating he is an all Superb; which is a nice surprise but this could be false data since I don't have a scout currently.
We just have to be patient. I know it is tough as we have to make a lot of decisions (staffing / R&D trees etc) without adequate information, but at least we are all in the same boat
its not true robert - i got 2 superb parts with my old 'good' designer - these were the same parts each time - so this is back to the specialisation question that some designers will be better at designing certain parts and not others
Correct James!! I have 3 superb parts created before the research aspect was implemented with the rest of my car between Excellent and Good other then my chassis. Chassis is by far my worse part at unsure.
Scare aspect for you and others to think about is my suppliers are not the best atm so my car is quicker then it is currently showing!!
All old parts from the previous system should be wiped for next season then, no? to level the field, otherwise you will have teams still basing things on old superb parts which is a big big advantage.