Forum topic: Staff problems

United Kingdom John Humphreys

443 races

16 championships

74 wins

193 podiums

Current team

United Kingdom TL Junior

Its because of the -ves on the right handside. I had the same thing because my driver said that the team wasnt of the same reputation. I thought it was a bug, but Frank confirmed it not to be.
July 11, 2015 05:59 pm

Liechtenstein Matthew Dellit

159 races

2 championships

8 wins

42 podiums

Current team

Liechtenstein DrakenSport Racing

The 2 drivers I've signed so far since the change, both had a few red points/remarks on their contract. They still signed. If you are offering them a contract until they are fully green/happy with it, then you're in trouble because your drivers and staff will fleece you of all your money in record time.

You can still be harsh to them and offer them less than they want, and they'll still sign.
July 11, 2015 07:57 pm

Australia Tim Watts


156 races

4 championships

14 wins

32 podiums

Current team

Ah thats it thanks John
July 12, 2015 04:39 am

Australia Tim Watts


156 races

4 championships

14 wins

32 podiums

Current team

Hi Frank currently negotiating with a staff member who wants shorter than season 2 for a contract length? Might be a bug n there somewhere. Either that or he really doesnt like me
July 13, 2015 05:14 am



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