Ive not tested that number specifically but yes i have found when you are getting close to there one or two extra commercials makes very little difference.
2 days ago i created two section 4 sponsors - Pussy Juice and Pen IS put 30 commercial on each and now they are on 2 star started negotiations only to find they are already negotiating with other div 1 teams who already have 2 section 4 signed up!! a how can they already be negotiating so quickly and b why as they already have sponsors!!!
I am seriously shafted if i can't get sponsors soon as wont be able to develop my car before first race!! without some cash!!!
Which teams are these Dan. From what i have learnt over the last few days it possible to bump off sponsors you already have so it could be the Div 1 teams are just negotiating with as many sponsors as possible to get a higher price. This is a bug really and it's a bit unsportsmanlike if that's what they are doing.
Alternatively they could have just started negotiations instantly to see how negotiable the sponsor is and then not stopped negotiations. Just because it says they are negotiating doesn't actually mean they are negotiating yet, they may not have enough interest. Keep pushing with your negotiations, it's likely you will win if that dedicated.