I can tell you that my research is increase with both research running as well as running test laps.
My research increase from unsure to Okay in less then 3 days with only 150 laps run.
@Tom: Potential of parts are locked so when developing based off the first design they will always increase. Research only applies to new parts meaning as stated above there is currently no reason to develop new parts. Focus for most of us should be on chassis research for next season since this is the only part that needs to be created new yearly!!
Chassis can be based on this years too though right Robert?
Non of my parts are particularly great so i will need to build others from scratch, will take a long time to catch up with others. Im not sure Frank would want this so i think there may be some unexpected developments when we design next seasons parts, it must still be possible to produce something way lower than the research level?
Yeah, I guess your right but my weakest part is my chassis sitting currently at unsure grip & unsure areo so it needs the most upgrades completed.
Yeah, I also guess we need a rest on the development front since I will always continue to develop my current parts since most are already superb to Excellent but a few still need developed more like chassis, rear wing & diffuser. All speed parts and grip!!
Feel like I'm in the vast minority who thinks the system is working well and am happy with it. I hated it at the start, but I think it is needed and a good addition to the game. #my2cents
I like the system but it certainly benefits those who ended up with good designs this season. I didn't am am going to have to press the reset button, with research levels hard to raise without big facilities it now takes a long time to get up to a high level for those that are currently low on all parts.